Security Training

Start Your Free Phishing Security Test

Find out what percentage of your employees are Phish-prone.

Did you know that 91% of successful data breaches started with a spear-phishing attack?
IT pros have realized that simulated phishing tests are urgently needed as an additional security layer. Today, phishing your own users is just as important as having antivirus and a firewall. It is a fun and an effective cybersecurity best practice to patch your last line of defense: USERS
Why You Ask? If you don’t do it yourself, the bad guys will.
Here’s how it works:
  • We are offering a free phishing security test for your employees for one week.
  • You can customize the phishing test template based on your environment.
  • You can choose the landing page your users see after they click the link.
  • We can show users which red flags they missed, or a 404 page.
  • You will get an email with your Phish-prone percentage and charts to share with management once the one week testing is finalized.
The Phish-prone percentage is usually higher than you expect and is great ammo for budget purposes.
Start phishing your users now! Contact us at or fill out the form on the right

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