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Is Your Organization Vulnerable to Cyberattacks?

You can never be too safe when it comes to cybersecurity, and if your organization is not implementing the necessary measures to stay protected from malicious online threats, you and your customers could end up in significant trouble. Cybercrimes can cause millions of dollars in company losses, disrupting spending plans and overall stability. To confront these threats head-on, your company must assess its current vulnerability and ensure the necessary steps have been taken to combat a cyberattack.

To determine if your organization is at risk of an attack, see the behaviors below that could make you an easy target for cybercriminals.

Out of Date Malware Protection

Using outdated antivirus software is a guaranteed way to invite unwanted malware into your network. Cybercriminals are continuously devising new viruses and tactics to breach your firewalls, so it is imperative that your software is always up-to-date and able to withstand cyber threats

Weak Passwords

Examine the passwords being used by your team, are they secure enough to stop cybercriminals who are actively trying to get into your accounts? Are the passwords being reused across multiple websites? When was the last time those passwords were changed? All it takes is one determined cybercriminal to compromise your security.

Surprisingly, even some of the largest companies resort to the simplistic “12345” password. If it’s deemed unsafe for a personal computer, it certainly isn’t secure for professional systems that contain client and employee personal information. Creating strong passwords can significantly enhance your cybersecurity efforts, ensuring that they are unique and changed often.

Believing You’re Too Small to Target

Cybersecurity companies witness attacks targeting businesses in every industry and of every scale. Believing that cybercriminals won’t target your organization due to your size is very dangerous. Studies show that 43% of cyberattacks are on small to medium-sized businesses, and only 14% of them are prepared for those attacks. Your organization should always be prepared and well-equipped for a cyberattack.

Those are just a few indicators of potential vulnerabilities that could leave your organization at risk, but the list extends far beyond those points. If you’re unsure whether you are adequately prepared and protected against ever-evolving cybercrime risks, reach out to us today. We will assess your network and ensure that you have all the necessary tools and resources to protect your organization’s most critical assets.
